Mathematical Circles - Days in a month

I chanced across a problem in the book "Mathematical Circles" which I felt was interesting. The problem is described below:

In a certain year there were exactly four Fridays and exactly four
Mondays in January. On what day of the week did the 20th of January fall that

On first look, it looks like a regular high school math question that I would use trial and error to solve. But, is there a more elegant way to deduce the solution?

The suggested solution, which I thought was pretty clever:

  1. Notice that January always has 31 days.
  2. Observe that days 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 of the month are always the same day in a week since they vary by exactly 1 week/7 days. By the same reasoning, 2, 9 ... 30 and 3, 10 ... 31 are also the same days in a week.
  3. The particular month of January that is described in the problem statement cannot start with Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Otherwise, there would be 5 Mondays or Fridays (we can infer this from point 2). Thus, the only plausible day is Tuesday.
  4. Since January 1 is Tuesday, it is easy to calculate that January 20 is Sunday.
Pretty astute observations and deductions!


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